We all are in love with snacking! We get hungry between meals and our body decides it needs to be FED NOW. What are we to do? Starve our bodies? Wait till the next meal? Or eat a good snack?

As long as we snack on the right food in the right quantity there is everything right about a snack.

So what makes a good snack? That depends on the number of calories you need in a day. If you need only 1,600 calories a day, then eating a “snack” of 400 calories is bad idea; but eating a snack of 50-100 calories is a great idea! So how big should your snack be? Check out this chart for snackable calories:

Calories per Day Snack Calories
1600 50 – 100
2200 100 – 125
2800 150 – 175
3500 200

So what makes a good snack? Chips and candy bars? Soda and energy drinks? NO! Good snacks are the same kind of food you would eat during a regular meal; but portable, quick to prepare and quick to eat. Low sugar granola bars, a piece of fruit, nuts, sliced vegetable, etc. where the portion