While we are confined for COVID-19, Coronavirus, we still need to practice archery to keep our skills sharp. In fact, we can make our technique sharper, make our bodies stronger, and build endurance. Though we are not wasting time for transportation to and from work or school, we can use that time to work on our archery skills!
Practice for Thursday, 3/26/2020, Friday, 3/27/2020, and Saturday, 3/28/2020

  1. Warm-up – Arm Circles – about 45 seconds
  2. Stretching – about 10 minutes
  3. Stretch Band – 10 Reps per set, for 3 sets
    1. Recurve – Focus on Aim/Expansion, String Release/Bow Release, and Follow-Through
    2. Compound – Focus on Aim/Expansion, Mechanical Release, and Follow-Through
  4. Recurve – Light Bow – 10 Reps per set, for 3 Sets
    1. Focus on Aim/Expansion
    2. 2 deep breaths between each execution of a shot
  5. Tournament Bow – 10 Reps per set, for 3 sets
    1. Recurve – Focus on Aim/Expansion
    2. Compound – Focus on Aim/Expansion – Make sure the mechanical release cannot be activated
    3. 3 deep breaths between each execution of a shot
  6. 3 Meter Shooting
    1. 2 three spot targets, 1 arrow per spot
    2. 6 shots per set, 1 minute rest, for 6 sets
    3. 3 deep breaths between each shot
    4. If you cannot shoot at a target matt, repeat Tournament Bow
  7. Resistive Training
    1. Recurve – SPT1, 10 reps per set for 1 set, hold each rep for 30 seconds, with 60 seconds rest between each rep
    2. Compound – SPT5, 10 reps per set for 1 set, hold the bow up for 30 seconds, with 60 seconds rest between each rep
    3. Calisthenics – Everyone
      1. Push-ups, 8 reps per set for 2 sets
      2. Crunches, 8 reps per set for 2 sets
      3. Lunges, 8 reps per set for 2 sets
      4. If you have good knees, Squats, 10 reps per set for 1 set
        1. Feet from hip to shoulder width apart – whatever is comfortable for you
        2. Flat back
        3. Arms at shoulder height
        4. As you lower your body until the knees are bend 90 degrees, keep your knees pointed the same way as the feet.
        5. If you can go lower than 90 degrees, go ahead and do that.
  8. Stretching – about 10 minutes
  9. Cool Down – Arm Circles